Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 12: Video Review

1.) I chose Abstract Expessionism and Pop, because from the readings I found expressionism and pop art to be very interesting and I wanted to know more.  I chose Uncertainty: Modernity and Art, because the title caught my eye with the "uncertainty" word, and was wanting to know what it was about.  From the two films above, Andy Warhol: Image of an Image, caught my eye because the two films discussed the artist, and I wanted to know more about the artist.  The fourth film I chose, was The Art of Henry Moore. I did not know of the artist, Henry Moore and wanted to get to know him.

2.) Abstract Expressionsim and Pop, described abstract art, and examined the pop art style.  It discussed the pop art in the 60's with Andy Warhol, and how it was the first movement of art in the 20th century since futurism.  Uncertainty: Modernity and Art, explored modern art, and how it documents the metamorphosis of mankind.  Modern art expreses a message which is, "uncertainty."  The film discusses artists like Picasso, and Warhol, and the contributions of abstract, expressionism, and cubism, to the modern art world.  The third film, Andy Warhol: Image of an Image, discusses the history of the pop artists' work, and how is work went from being commercial to the experimental with advertising images.  Warhol's famous pop art was inspired by Mariyln Monro and Liz Taylor.  His famous silk screen is of Elizabeth Taylor, entitled "Ten Lizes."  The last film was The Art of Henry Moore.  The film discusses the modern artist and the history of his work.  It reveals his childhood, where he started to show his artistic talent, and discusses the several works done by Moore, specifically his famous sketches on London's underground shelters during WWII.

3.) These videos relate to the reading in the text by explaing several artists and several art styles.  Warhol is discussed in three of the films, just as the text does.  Also Uncertainty: Modernity and ARt, really relates to the text by explaing the various art styles of modern art, like cubism, expressionism, abstract, and pop art.

4.) I felt films were very interesting and gave a sense of understanding to what I was reading in the text.  I espeacially liked the films on Andy Warhol, becasue I enjoy the artist and like the pop art style.  I was able to see more of the pop art style in the films as well as the text. 

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